Detailed and up-to-date data about your supply Chain and its shipments is Possible!
Are you constantly hearing or thinking, “Where the heck is my shipment?”, (otherwise known as WTHIMS)?
If you are, then our Supply Chain-At-A-Glance Report is made for you – literally and figuratively. A customized spreadsheet will be generated specifically to you and your shipments, providing you with information to make informed logistics decisions.
The Outcome and Result
With a digital report in the hands of multiple people and departments in YOUR organization, you can eliminate manual and time consuming blackboards and erasable white boards where you are currently tracking the orders you have in the pipeline. This also creates easier access to information rather than needing to be in a physical location to review a white board or printed report in a file folder somewhere that is almost guaranteed to be obsolete and dated.
Features of Supply Chain At-A-Glance report include:
Purchase Order Numbers - We include your Purchase Order Numbers in the report. There can be one/more PO Numbers for each Shipment/Customs Entry. With your PO Numbers on the report, you can more easily cross-reference the Shipments/Customs Entries with your inventory plans.
Departed From Origin - With your report, you can easily see when your shipment departed from Origin, as well as when it is Estimated to Arrive in the Port of Unlading and Port of Entry. The Port of Unlading and Port of Entry may be the same, depending on the Vessel/Carrier routing and the service that was contracted (e.g., All Water, Land bridge, Mini-Land bridge, etc.).
Up-To-The-Minute Tracking Data - Your report will clearly show the Master Bill, House Bill and Container Numbers, making it easier for you to get up-to-the minute tracking data via JF Moran’s HoundTrax Web Tracking, as well as Carrier/Terminal web tracking apps/websites.
Filter and Sort Capabilities - Your report will be sorted chronologically, by ETA Entry Port, to help you determine how that aligns with other parts of your Supply Chain. This will assist with expediting decisions you need to then communicate to your trading partners, as well as people/departments in your company (such as your Receiving Warehouses).
Client Specific Customizations - We will work with you to customize your reports for your specific needs. We are happy to provide individualized request like additional columns – such as Customs Release Date, Other/Partner Government Agency Status (e.g., FDA MAY PROCEED), and more – just let us know!
Fast and Frequent Reporting - This report can be delivered one or more times per day or per week, and it can be sent to one or more email addresses. Just let us know what schedule and timing works best for you, and we will set it up from there. If you need to modify the report delivery schedule, simply let us know. Reports can be delivery to anyone, at any time, on virtually any device.
Web Tracking Integrations - When used with JF Moran’s HoundTrax Web Tracking, you can easily find the shipment and retrieve documents that can provide you with more details and documents – such as the Delivery Order, Packing List, Commercial Invoice and/or Bill(s) of Lading/Air Waybills
Would you welcome improved visibility of your shipments, while also improving your decision making process?
If your answer is “yes” to having key knowledge about your shipments, then reach out to request to receive your personalized Supply Chain At-A-Glance Report and take advantage of this benefit today.